1 Conversion with OPP for the change of use of the existing barn in to a dwelling, Located on the edge of the pretty village of Uffington, in the Vale of the White Horse, just north of the Berkshire Down, and with a number of historical connections. The village boasts its own museum, the Thomas Hughes Museum - the author having been born in Uffington Vicarage - and the Poet Laureate, Sir John Betjeman also having lived in the village.Uffington has a majestic church regarded as the Cathedral of the Vale, a well-equipped village store with Post Office, a popular primary school and pre-school, together with a lovely traditional public house, village hall, community sports ground and a host of community organisations. Overlooking the village is the chalk White Horse, which was cut into the hillside some 3,000 years ago. Major rail links to London and the west are available from Swindon, Didcot and Oxford. The village is well positioned for a number of excellent independent schools such as nearby St Hugh’s and Pinewood Prep schools, as well as Abingdon School, Radley College, Our Ladies and St Helens & St Katharine’s, all of which are in and around Abingdon (15 miles).
Plot Address:
Lot 2, wharf farm, uffington, faringdon, sn7 7ps
Postal Code:

Mains Gas:
Not Known
Not Known
Not Known
Not Known
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