1 Plot with OPP for the construction of a detached dwelling. A substantial building plot in this outstanding countryside location near Loch Leven. Planning permission in principal has been obtained for building a substantial Country House within this small rural development. Additional land can be made available by separate negotiation to provide a paddock. The area will have equestrian facilities nearby. The full planning details can be found on Kinross Council website with reference number 17/02274/IPL. Land 20 metres east of Leven House, Scotlandwell. There are two available building plots adjacent to each other each with the price of £150,000. The sellers can also advise and quote on the house design and building costs and an illustration has been attached to these particulars indicating a style of house which could be provided.
Plot Address:
- plot 1, levenmouth, scotlandwell, kinross, ky13 9jh
Postal Code:
KY13 9JH

Mains Gas:
Not Known
Not Known
Not Known
Not Known
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