1 Plot with OPP for the construction of up to 40 residential dwellings. The proposed lay out comprises of 5 x 2/3 bed bungalows, 6 x 2/3 semi-detached houses, 10 x 4 bed detached houses, 9 x 3 bed detached houses and 10 x 2/3 three bed semi-detached affordable houses. The land is set in the heart of the popular village of Churchstoke and enjoys a gently sloping southerly aspect with excellent views across the beautiful Camlad Valley. The primary school, shops, village hall, pubs and church, are within walking distance. There is a regular bus service to most local towns.
Plot Address:
Land adjacent to buttercup house, churchstoke, montgomery, sy15 6ah
Postal Code:
SY15 6AH

Mains Gas:
Not Known
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