1 Plot with DPP for the construction of 6 x detached dwellings, 3 x social housing units and the existing detached dwelling which requires full renovation. Located just within the border of Wales, Beguildy is a rural village around 8 miles to the north west of the town of Knighton, in the historic county of Radnorshire. The villagebenefits from a shop, pub and Church, and is on a bus route which provides regular services to local schools and colleges. A wider array of shops, schools and public services are available in both Knighton, and in Newtown which is located about 13 miles to the north west of Beguildy. The Marches Town of Ludlow is around twenty five milesto the east of Beguildy, and is renowned for its excellent restaurants and cafés, as well as a number of supermarkets, shops and other facilities and amenities. The main line railway station links Cardiff and Manchester.
Plot Address:
Beguildy, knighton, ld7 1yg
Postal Code:

Mains Gas:
Not Known
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