1 Plot with DPP for the construction of a six bedroom detached dwelling on Oldburys most salubrious leafy roads. Oldbury is a delightful small village situated approximately 1 mile south of the bustling market town of Bridgnorth. The village remains separated from the town and retains distinct character.The village has a friendly community centred on St Nicholas church and its village hall. It is known for its quiet country lanes bordering onto lovely Shropshire countryside.Oldbury and Bridgnorth have always been historically popular with excellent access onto the West Midlands conurbation. A good road network via A458, and A449 connects to the M5 / M42, together with the M42 and M40.
Plot Address:
Oldbury grove lane, oldbury, bridgnorth, wv16 5ee
Postal Code:
WV16 5EE

Mains Gas:
Not Known
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