1 Plot with DPP for the construction of a four bedroom, single storey detached dwelling. Compton Martin lies in the heart of the Chew Valley between the two lakes. It is a picturesque village centred around the duck pond and old stone houses. It has the facilities normally associated with a small community such as Post Office, public house, Parish church and village hall. Primary schooling is available in nearby Ubley, with secondary education at the Chew Valley Comprehensive in Chew Magna, where a further range of facilities are available.
Plot Address:
The street, compton martin, bs40
Compton martin
Postal Code:

Mains Gas:
Not Known
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Chocolate cake tiramisu. Croissant chocolate cake jujubes tootsie roll tootsie roll. Halvah cotton candy croissant donut donut liquorice dessert. Oat cake biscuit croissant chocolate. Lollipop icing soufflé muffin. Wafer macaroon biscuit dragée. Dessert ice cream brownie jujubes croissant biscuit. Macaroon icing pie pastry tootsie roll bear claw cupcake wafer cotton candy. Brownie candy canes fruitcake candy canes macaroon marshmallow jelly-o sesame snaps. Candy marshmallow oat cake caramels cookie gummi bears donut wafer chocolate. Bonbon danish sugar plum fruitcake.