1 Conversion with DPP for the change of use of a former public house to create 3 x three bedroom terraced dwellings. An opportunity to acquire a development site that was formerly the Kings Head public house within the heart of the coastal Suffolk village of Kessingland. The site now benefits from full planning permission for three residential units that offer three bedroom accommodation arranged over three floors, gardens and allocated parking. Waveney District Council granted full planning consent under application no: DC/16/2896/FUL interested parties should visit the council website for detailed information and plans. Kessingland offers village amenities including shops, primary schools and access to the beach and access to Lowestoft where an array of high street facilities can be found.
Plot Address:
Former kings head, 66 high street, kessingland, lowestoft, nr33 7qf
Postal Code:
NR33 7QF

Mains Gas:
Not Known
Not Known
Not Known
Not Known
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