1 Plot with OPP for the construction of 13 x dwellings, comprising a mix of two, three and four bedroom houses. A prime semi-rural development site with outline planning consent for a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom houses granted under Ref: WD/2015/1949/MAO. The current permission allows for 13 units, 4.55 of these units being affordable housing. We understand 4 will be built while the remaining portion will be discharged as a commuted sum of £61,336 approx. The vendors also propose to retain plot 5. CIL is payable at £176.92 per square meter (approx. £222,000) on this site and excludes the affordable element. Each house will enjoy a private driveway and parking and an area of enclosed rear garden. The site backs onto fields with an attractive rural outlook. With its appealing location on the semi-rural outskirts of Bexhill a site visit is highly recommended.
Plot Address:
Potmans lane, bexhill-on-sea, tn39 5jl
Postal Code:
TN39 5JL

Mains Gas:
Not Known
Not Known
Not Known
Not Known
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