1 Plot with OPP for the construction of a detached dwelling Godfrey-Payton on behalf of the Ettington Estate are delighted to offer this rare opportunity of acquiring a fully serviced selfbuild plot. Set in a sought after village location each plot will be for a detached dwelling up to maximum floor area of 1,991 sq.ft (185 sq.m). You will have the freedom to design and nconstruct your own home, which can be up to 2 storeys high, whilst working with a design framework. The design framework will seek to encourage high quality design and protect the visual amenity of the site, but at the same time will not inhibit innovation and individuality.Being fully serviced, the plots will be provided with road access, foul and surface water drainage and utilities connections such as water, gas, electricity and telecommunications.
Plot Address:
Plot 6, old warwick road, ettington, stratford-upon-avon, cv37 7sh
Postal Code:
CV37 7SH

Mains Gas:
On Site
On Site
On Site
On Site
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Chocolate cake tiramisu. Croissant chocolate cake jujubes tootsie roll tootsie roll. Halvah cotton candy croissant donut donut liquorice dessert. Oat cake biscuit croissant chocolate. Lollipop icing soufflé muffin. Wafer macaroon biscuit dragée. Dessert ice cream brownie jujubes croissant biscuit. Macaroon icing pie pastry tootsie roll bear claw cupcake wafer cotton candy. Brownie candy canes fruitcake candy canes macaroon marshmallow jelly-o sesame snaps. Candy marshmallow oat cake caramels cookie gummi bears donut wafer chocolate. Bonbon danish sugar plum fruitcake.