1 Plot with OPP for the construction of 6 x flats. The proposal is for 2 x 2-bedroom flats and 4 x 1-bedroom flats in this fairly central location, around 0.5 miles from the City Centre. The flats are likely to be constructed in one block, but scale, appearance and landscaping are reserved matters. There is an existing access into the site and the plot will allow for nine parking spaces. The plot is in a cul-de-sac residential location and is just 0.2 miles from the railway station. The plot is approximately 560sq.m. or just over 6000sq.ft and is level. There is an existing office and store on site of approximately 135sq.m. that will need to be removed, much of this material could be re-used for hardcore. The access into the plot is underneath an archway which would be suitable for medium sized vehicles but nor large lorries. A transport statement, archaeological assessment and bat survey have been completed. The Decision Notice requires an acoustic survey and a site investigation regarding any possible contamination.
Plot Address:
Salisbury, sp2
Postal Code:

Mains Gas:
Not Known
Not Known
Not Known
Not Known
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