1 Plot with OPP for the construction of two dwellings WO FABULOUS BUILDING PLOTS ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF NEW MILL WITH A SUPER VIEW BACK OVERTHE VALLEY TOWARDS NEW MILL CHURCH. ADJACENT GREENHILL BANK ROAD THESE PROPOSEDMAGNIFICENT HOUSES ARE TO AN INCREDIBLE DESIGN WITH ACCOMMODATION OVER THREE FLOORS.The approved accommodation is particular spacious and incudes many stunning features taking full advantage of the views.Offered for sale together these two plots offer a great opportunity to create two very stylish homes in a lovely location. Plans showing approved layouts and suggested further enhancements available on the selling agents details
Plot Address:
Greenhill bank road, new mill, holmfirth, hd9 1er
Postal Code:

Mains Gas:
Not Known
Not Known
Not Known
Not Known
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